Saturday, January 20, 2007

what are you laughing at?

Today I remembered a time when I was a kid and my parents asked me what was wrong with me, as I looked sad. I told them I was feeling melancholic. I was about six or seven years old, and they laughed at my answer like it was a joke. But I meant it.

Sometimes I still feel that way. Melancholic for no reason, just like when I was six. Sometimes I know it's just that and go on with my life as if nothing happened. Some other times I get sad, feel lonely, and be stupid. I'm trying to get rid of the latter.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

absurd aspects of life

One night I suddenly realised I felt way too lonely. And I put and end to it. But now there is nothing to end. What will I do now?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Today has been my third day at my new job. During the first day I had one of the bosses, lets call her Birdie, hang on my back because she could't run the payroll application. Which sounds as nice thing to do, wanting to pay the employees. I had the lady stuck to my ass from 9 to 5 thirty. Suggesting I should reboot that machine, or check that other or call the company... which resulted in no real work done in the whole day.

And then the second day came. as you know, there has been an earthquake in Taiwan and there is a severe comunication shortage between America and South East Asia (which is the real reason why Birdie couln't access her app, as it in the Intranet). Well, whatever. When I got to work, I couldn't even get to my desk because she was complaining that she had been there since seven and she still couldn't... and then all I could hear was bla bla bla bla... and suddenly she stopped speaking. I reckoned she had asked something because otherwise there was no way she would have shut (the fuck) up. My weak memory begun to squeeze itself until it to the part where she said, "won't that loose red cable in the server's room have nothing to do with this, won't it?." Suddenly I didn't know whether to laugh or run out of the room in search for THE red cable that fixed everything. But then, users are users, I tried to explain her about how we have two intenet lines and both of them are working very poorly and that none of them have nothing to do with a loose red cable in the server's room.

The third day came and as I walked through the door, Birdie came towards me to complain. So I went into her office and as soon as she finished her speech, told her: "It's not gonna work today either, so, why don't you go to the hairdresser?"

And then